

The knitter who saw too much

I'm a little under the weather having finally gotten the spring cold the visits me every year. The cold gives me the excuse to stay in my PJ's and lay on the futon watching old movies. Right now I've rented a box set of classic film noir, 3 DVD, 9 movies, over 13 hours!!! says the box. LOL The period sound tracks get a little distracting but I found the movie D.O.A to be pretty good. Some of the other movies have more famous actors, Mickey Rooney, Kirk Douglas and the beautiful Barbara Stanwyck. (Double Indemnity still the best thing I've been her in but Christmas in Connecticut holds a special place in my heart) The movie plots aren't hard to follow making them the perfect companion to all Ysolda's Coraline which was cast on a week ago. It was abandoned for a bit while the Ripple socks were finished up. Now I have a heck of a lot of stockenette stitch to do before the the knitting gets interesting.

The Pippie Ripples were done by the weekend and I lovvvvvve them. Oh Smooshy you feel so nice knit up and on my feet. The little ripple lines with their yarn overs are delightful and I can't help up think they would make for a nice sweater. Knitting that would probably drive me insane though so let's just shelve that idea. Overall is was a great pattern, I enjoyed knitting it and I'd buy a pattern from Diane Mulholland again.


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