

I'm a boy, I'm a boy, but my mom won't admit it

Haa haa, for some reason I've had that Who song stuck in my head for days. In actuality my husband and I were pretty sure that we were having a boy, due to my extreme hunger. (Extreme as in I do not sleep through the night but have to get up several times to eat) When he gets to be teenager he's going to eat us out of house and home.
Feeeed Meeee!

One thing that is hard admitting is that boy baby sweaters don't seem to be nearly as fun as girl baby sweaters. I'm having a hard time finding patterns I'd actually feel like knitting. If any of you have some suggestions for boy or unisex sweaters please let me know.

In the meantime there are a few baby things that have come off the needles.
One finished Brownie hat in Cascade 220 Heathers...
I'm still surprised that ear flaps are "in."

And one Otto in Sublime cashmere/merino/silk...
grrrrr, argh

Both patterns were good stash busters for some odd balls that had been hanging around.

I'd hoped to have FO photos of the Vogue Heart Yoke by now but the ideal button has been elusive. Some custom made buttons have been ordered so maybe by the beginning of next month there will be a nice final post for that.


A little something for now

Hey look some pretty color-work...
Hee hee hee Hearts.... black hearts.

It's good to do some experimenting with your color work, but knitting in only red and white taught me two things:
1. You really do need the number of colors the pattern specifics. If you ignore this then enjoy your super bland color-work.
2. Red, white and heathered gray = sock monkey colors. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not what I was going for.

The odd ball stash saved me by yielding up balls of Filatura Di Crosa Zara in dark gray and black. Then the Red Current Sublime merino was switched out with the Plume color and all was good.

They'll be a proper FO post later when I'll kvetch about all the errors in the pattern. Till then I'll be weaving in a million ends.
Ewwww, shouldn't there be some sort of elf for this?