

Me-Made-May Day 31 - Friends

Hello, I like your dress, you wanna hang out?
Sure, let's just chill here.
 So I've got to ask you, does this lobster go with my outfit?
Well he does seem like a very nice lobster.
He is except for his chain smoking.
Hey I got an idea, why don't you smoke instead. No more smoking lobster problem.
That was a great idea, let's hang out more.
The lovely Leila from came and visited me for the last few days of Me-Made-May.  We laughed a lot, fit pants, traced patterns, pulled all my stash out and took silly photos in our Gertie shirtwaist dresses.  I would have never met Leila (and many other wonderful people) if it wasn't for the on-line sewing community.  I feel very blessed to have found so many like minded souls, that not only love sewing but many of my other geeky pursuits. Love you guys!  Thanks for joining me during Me-Made-May.

P.S. Actual Gertie shirtwaist dress review sometime this weekend.  I've stayed up too late the last couple of days making lame sewing jokes for Leila.


  1. I have so much love for this photoshoot! You two are so, so cute. It was really fun talking to you last night - now Heather, I guess it's your turn to go visit Leila next! (With Des in tow, perhaps? Her kids could totally look after him... or entertain him, at least!)

    1. We just need you in a shirt waist to make it perfect. The chat was so much fun, we need to do it again.

  2. I had such a blast hanging out. Oh, and my favorite joke that we have to teach everyone is the lame voice of backseat sewing.

    "You're not gonna hem that with that long a straight stitch...."

    1. YES, we need to get everyone doing backseat sewing. "You're not gonna press that with out a press cloth are yah?"

    2. "You're not gonna be happy if you skip that step" #backseatsewing

    3. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I just had flashbacks to trying to work with my mother!!!!!!!!!! The HORROR.......THE HORROR!!!!!!!! Lol.

  3. Looks like some fun was had here! Thanks for putting on an amazing month!

    1. You know that thing were you dissolve into giggles just looking at someone? That's pretty much what we were doing the entire time we took pictures.

      I'm glad you enjoyed all the Me-Made-May pictures and I will be seeing you in the stash busting group. Sew it up!

  4. You finally finished your lobster dress! Love it! It's one of those surprise up-close prints that just makes me smile. =)

    Looks like you two had a blast! Now where are those transporters so we can all get together for sewing & fitting parties??

    ~ Brooke

    1. Thanks Brooke, the lobsters will smile extra for you. We really do need transporters so that we all can get together! Or to be independently wealthy for covering all the plane tickets.

  5. Ah, you two look fanatabulous! Looks like you had so much fun, especially at this photoshoot!! Love your Gertie Dresses. Everybody needs a lobster print dress in my book!

    1. Thanks Gjeometry! It would be awesome if everyone made a lobster print dress. *hint hint* LOL

    2. Wellllll, if ya let me know where ya got that lobster print fabric!! I like the colours, as well. I feel they will 'work' for me.

    3. For some reason I didn't see this comment come into my inbox. So a little late here's the Etsy shop where I got the lobster fabric.

    4. Thanks dude! I'm not sure I'm 'allowed' to purchase new fabric right now, but that's what the bookmark function is for.....

  6. aaww, you two are the cutest! i wanna sewing buddy!

    1. Thank you! I think you just need to draft someone into making the same garment with you. Or talk about it and see if they decide it was their idea a few days later. hee hee!

  7. Hee hee hee! You guys are the bestest, love it. This post made me smile a whole lot! xx
