

Speaking of Stash Layers

Last week's blog post was really supposed to be this one, but Professor Froggie's helpful teaching aid spun me off on a "scientific" tangent.  I think that was for the best.

Lately I've been pondering over my inability to sew the "orange layers" of fabric in my stash and what to do about it. My sewing records clearly show that with the exception of Butterick 5824,  I've been sewing exclusively from layers 1 and 2 this year. I'm not surprised by this since I'm a "non-planner/SQUIRREL!" type of sewer.  The new shiny thing is usually going to draw my focus and become the next project.

This is all well and good except there are some older pieces of fabric that I'd actually like to wear. How do I trick myself into sewing those things up with it becoming a chore? Here are the possibilities I'm currently mulling.

1. Have an older stash only month of sewing.
Pros - a clear time frame might help me focus on using this fabric.
Cons - Potentially sew-jo killing if I decide that sewing old fabric sucks.

2. Make a rule that after sewing 2 projects from new fabric, I must sew 1 from old fabric.
Pros - Mixing in some newer fabrics may keep the sew-jo flowing.
Cons - Keeping track of numbers of projects is quickly going to get on my nerves. I can see myself just abandoning the system after a bit.

3. Plan a wardrobe capsule that incorporates old and new fabric.
Pros - I do like thinking up outfits and mixing stash layers might make the process more exciting.
Cons - This might be "too much planning" for a non-planner.

These are the times that I wish my personality was one who liked to follow plans! Oh well, let's just blame my parents for that and my love of carbs. (I say that knowing my own offspring can blame me for the same things.)

 Right now the wardrobe capsule sounds the most fun. I've been thinking of adding more green to my wardrobe and the deep stash has several fabrics that would work for this. Don't hold your breath though about seeing blog updates about this. SQUIRREL! ;) What I really need is a monthly general sewing theme that exactly matches my taste and old stash. Not a tall order or anything. I'm sure some minions are working on it right now. *Snort* It just so happened that all the stars did align in April by providing me with the Stashbusting Sew-a-long theme of Vibrant Color. YES! Take your pastels and shove'em where the sun don't shine. Let's get out some fabric that sear your eyeballs.
OK fine, these fabrics don't sear your eyeballs, just make them tingle a bit. Oooo minty! Both these fabrics were from Layer four labeled "Aborted plans and remnants" by our favorite sewing frog.  The top is Liberty London Lawn and was supposed to be a Scout tee. The skirt is some stretch sateen that was left over from making a Beignet. They must have been conspiring because one day they fell out of the stash cave together and I realized the colors coordinated. Yes I will make wardrobe decisions based on gravity!  That and frogs on pieces of fabric. "Sew me, rib-bit!"

Since they were both small pieces of fabric I went with my low yardage favorites, Edith and Betsy. You've seen these patterns on the blog several times so I won't bore you with repeating details, just click here if you want them. So now the 4 layer is two pieces of fabric thinner and I have a new outfit with matching shoes. If only sewing the rest of the deep stash could be so easy.

How about you guys? Do you have any tricks that get you sewing the deep stash. Tell me all about them over some cake. :)


  1. Yes to this! I pulled out all my quilting cottons recently and decided to just make them into whole cloth quilts or blankets. Last night I sewed a hem on 2 yards of double gauze and put it on the bed. It's the perfect side to keep just my side of the bed a little warmer!
    You, little lady, get a #sewingdare: You must IG 4 fabrics from the orange layer, and we will choose which one you sew up - and you must finish in time to wear it before the end of MMM! Come on, dooooo iiiiiitttttt!

  2. I'm with Gillian. I was going to say 5 pieces in a pic and have a poll, but....close enough. :-) And then do that once a month, until you've decided that the rest of your orange layer is really in the red layer or seasonally inappropriate.

  3. Oooh, I love these two together! I keep trying to add green to my wardrobe as well, but it's hard to find the perfect shade--yours is lovely. I don't really have a deep stash, so not much help there. I love what the others suggested though, post a few pics and take a poll! Or hope more fabric pairings magically hop out. :)

  4. love love these colours. Keep inspiring our stash busting! I've sewn one thing a month from 'deep' stash fabric, pretty happy about that.

  5. That is an excellent dare! I think plenty of us could use exactly that kind of kick in the butt too!

  6. Hi there Heather, i can very much relate to this. No 2 worked well for me two years ago when i noticed i was only sewing for the child: i started to sew something for me after every child garment. Worked out great and didn't kill the sew-jo.
    Maybe if you just make it a habit to sew a piece from old stash before digging into a new piece? That way sewing with the new fabric would be the reward ...

  7. Great outfit, well done gravity and low-yardage TNTs! All my stash layers basically consist of plans that haven't been executed yet and are slowly drifting down the list of priorities, so my only stashbusting trick is to remind myself of the plan and either decide to make it NOW or tweak it until it becomes something I want to do immediately. Or give it up and make something for the daughter (benefits of having a girl child, not that I'd object really if the boy wanted florals too). Like Gillian though I did recently decide to make quilts/cushions with the leftovers and stuff that has no other plan - now just for the sewjo to decide that's what I want to be making (nothing can go wrong here, surely...)

  8. I thought so to, so I wrote about post about sewing dares last night! :) Yay dares!

  9. That's definitely not eyeball-searing! I would qualify it as "cheery" and "springy". But then, I'm not a pastel girl at all, so this sort of color scheme is exactly what I would replace it with. :D
    My stash layers also tend to be either aborted plans, things that didn't turn out to be quite what I thought they were when I bought them online, or things I just bought because ooh, shiny. Aside from the random things I get passed to me, usually by my mom, because I have trouble saying no to free fabric even when I have no clue what to do with it. So if you do come up with any good insights on what to do with those older fabrics, aside from sewalong themes, I'm all ears!

  10. i'm loving these posts! professor froggie is so insightful.

  11. After you post last week, I pulled out my stash and re-evaluated. Amazingly, I found a stack of things I want to sew with immediately!

  12. This is pathetic, but something that gets me excited about sewing from my deep stash is a new pattern! I get a high whenever I see a fun new pattern and realize that I can use an older piece of fabric for it!

  13. Also, love both of these pieces, especially together! And your shoes!!!!!

  14. I love this outfit Heather! It matches perfectly and is sooooo you - plus liberty frogs? Come on!! So awesome!
    I am totally with you on the planning and rules, too many rules give me the cold sweats and make me want to run for the hills. I don't play by anybody's rules - can you here my rebel without a cause tone, no? Well maybe that's because my mouth is full of breakfast cake. LOL
    What if it's just a broad spectrum kind of goal not a rule - like until fall, I will make at least one thing a month from deep stash fabrics, or perhaps an old fabric swap is in order? Sisterhood of the Travelling fabrics anyone?
    Also - Gillian's sewing dare sounds great too!

  15. I thought everyone made sewing decisions based on gravity. This particular effect of gravity is much more appealing than my usual dart shift though....;)
    Your outfit looks terrific. I have a hard time sewing Liberty because I keep saving it for the perfect project.

  16. How about naming a theme each week? Off the top of my head you could do stripes, dots, novelty prints, animal prints, florals, or pick a color or fiber. Then you still have the run of the stash and can take advantage of the muse, but you're a little more focused because you're only looking for purple fabric or plaid.

  17. I struggle with a short attention span for fabric too. On and off I have kept a google presentation on my google drive with mini mood boards for fabric + pattern combinations or inspiration photos of garments I wanted to make. Whenever I go back and look at that, I suddenly get excited again about old projects and fabrics. I think I need to keep up with documenting my intentions for the fabric when I buy it so I can use that to curb the cravings for new and shiny.

  18. What about pulling out a piece of fabric from deep within the stash,and setting it front and centre in your sewing area? Maybe then it could be the next squirrel to catch your eye...

  19. Anytime I set limits on my gaudy muse it backfires! I'm still considering having the husband box up fabric and put it on the porch- let me think it's new arriving treasure!

  20. I am terrible at stash sewing! I too get easily distracted by pretty new fabric and new trends in fashion. I love your new outfit though and it is motivating to swim about in my stash to pull out an outfit this good. I better go find my life preserver....the stash is deep.

  21. I really like this idea, but an I push it off for another month? My reasons are good, I swear. The lemon dress is still waiting to be sewn, and I need to whip something up with the fabric Vibes and Scribes sent me.

  22. I'm doing this after I clear off the sewing stuff that got backed up in April. Some of it was stuff I promised to do so it can't be thrown over. :I

  23. It is weirdly hard to find the perfect shade of green. I feel there's a lot of lime out there but that doesn't look good on pale people like us.

  24. Wow, sewing on deep stash thing a month is REALLY good. Teach me your ways oh wise one.

  25. My parents were pretty good about instilling doing homework before playing so maybe that can be translated into sewing projects. Probably should give it a try at least. :)

  26. The sewjo would never steer you wrong....never!

    I do like how you busted a bunch of wovens doing some quilting and pillow. More of those are always nice to have around the house.

  27. My stash also suffers from those same things Becky. If I get any good ideas on how to sew that stuff up I'll let you know.

  28. Froggie is always surprising me with his education. :)

  29. That's excellent! Sounds like past you made some good buying decisions.

  30. That's not pathetic cause new patterns are exciting and then the excitement rubs off on dog hair. :)

  31. Thank you! Still can't believe these shoes match perfectly.

  32. HA HA HAA! We are sewing sisters for sure because I also live according to the code that "No one tells me what to do, not even me." Now have another slice of breakfast cake with me. Nom, nom, nom.

  33. LOL! Fist bump about having to drop darts. We could do without that bit of gravity.

    I can also commiserate about sewing Liberty because you really don't want to mess that project up. I've been sewing it up into patterns I've already made and worn a bunch. That seems to help cutting into it.

  34. That sounds like a fun plan since all those themes are things that I like. ;) I'll have to give it a try.

  35. That's a great idea Jamie, and it gives you a hard copy of all your ideas. Cool!

  36. Ahhhhh, that sounds like a good way to trick the out brain. Will put an old fabric baby out and see if it works.

  37. HAA HAA HAA! "Ooooo what did I buy...HEY!"

  38. I'm sure there are several lovely things in the stash. Go take a swim with your preserver. :)
