

MMM-15 Week 4

The final week of clogging up your blog roll with outfit recaps. ;)  This was a short week because sometimes you buy a new vintage skirt and the only thing that goes with it is a RTW shirt.

Day 25
Top - 1301 Summer Blouse
Skirt - Self drafted circle skirt with belt loops
Brooch- Luxulite

Day 26
Dress - Pattern mash up of Nettie and Flora
Necklace- Luxulite

Day 27
Top - Nettie bodysuit
Skirt - Vintage denim wrap skirt
Necklace- Luxulite

This year I didn't come away from MMM with a list of patterns to sew. I'm sure it's because my style has veered off the main stream into semi retro land. However the exercise of MMM was still helpful in confirming  that what I sew is also what I like to wear. Like everyone there are a few garments that never get put on, but most of my me-made wardrobe does get worn regularly no matter what month it is. Hooray!


  1. I love that even with your shoe collection, you were wearing the same shoes every day! ;) I started off MMM taking photos with cute shoes then changing into my I-can-stand-in-these-all-day shoes, but quickly gave that up! ;)

  2. Welcome to semi retro land! Join us, it's nice! :)

  3. I love your style and hearing your thoughts on MMM. That lobster skirt is great!

  4. Sorry....I'm sort of cheating putting a comment here when I'm really asking about an earlier post. Day 7, modified Odette skirt: where in all that is good and pure in this world, did you get that beautiful fabric? You should wear this skirt every single day. It looks great on you! Do you know the manufacturer of the fabric? Thanks!!!!

  5. Sometimes the solid red shoes just seem to go best. ;)

  6. Thank you, I like it here in semi retro land because it's colorful and has fluffy skirts. :)

  7. Thank you Heather. :) It's funny how the outcome of MMM seems ot be a little different each year.

  8. Sorry Colleen, the peach fabric was vintage yardage that I found on Etsy. It's too bad that something like that isn't in production today.

  9. It's just gorgeous!!!! I should have known it was vintage!

