

Ch - Ch - Ch - Changes

Wow, I've had quite the busy and exciting September! For those of you who don't already know, in mid September I was hired at Emma One Sock.  Hooray!!

I really couldn't ask for a more perfect job for my current situation.  I get to touch fabric all day people!!! Also thanks to Linda's and Eric's flexibility I start early in the day and can finish in time to pick Desmond up from school.  I love that we don't have to give up our walks home from school yet. Otherwise I wouldn't get my daily dose of animal facts and kooky 6 year old theories of how the world works.

We're still adjusting to the change, but so far it's going pretty well.  Mr. B is doing great handing the morning start by himself. (I'm already up in EOS headquarters by the time the Boy B's get up.) Desmond hasn't commented on the change at all.  Well he was surprised that I was at home on a Saturday morning because the concept of a weekend is still an amorphous thing when you're 6.  " it the weekend again? Yeaaaaaa!"

While I'm super happy to be working in a sewing related capacity, the reduction of my actual sewing time is a bit shocking.  How have all of you full time ladies been making garments by only sewing on the weekend? I try and squeeze in 30 minutes on work evenings, but most of the time my brain is too tired.  Back in September I'd planned out a whole "Unofficial Halloween" wardrobe to complete this month.  Not gonna happen.  Siiiigh.  First world problems, am I right?

The logical side of my brain took over and reminded me that some of the "Unofficial Halloween" wardrobe could be sewn.  I only had to decide what garments would make the cut.  First up will be my new pattern acquisition Simplicity 1155, view 3.   "I like you're sleeves. They're big."
I'll be using a long stashed Emma one sock fabric, this silk crepe de chine. Skulls = Unofficial Halloween. you see where I'm going with this.
Most of the "Unofficial Halloween" wardrobe is just an excuse to sew black separates which are needed for the rest of the year. I did get a jump on this by finished up a pair of black rayon "Empire Waist Pants" from Decades of Style.

These will go very well with Simplicity 1155 so maybe I'll hold off and photograph them together.  I'd also like to sew the skirt portion of Hollywood 1756 in black rayon as well. We'll see if there's enough time and if I feel like buying more black rayon.
That's all I've narrowed down for now.  Hopefully I'll settle into my new sewing groove this month and get a few of these pieces done. Cross your fingers for me. :)