

Top 5 Hits of 2013

Hello blog readers, I'm currently in a germ tsunami with all members of the house falling like dominoes. According to the doctor it's only a "minor sinus thing," but someone in this house has been down with it since the 8th of December. Good news is the the toddler not waking up every 2 hours anymore and I have antibiotics. My husband is still in the "I'm not that sick" stage/state of denial and says he only requires some extra sleep.

Needless to stay sewing has crawled to a stand still and I have no more secret pattern testing posts in reserve. So what better time to do hop aboard the Gillian Crafts top 5 lists train and do a little year end review.

Let's start with the top 5 hits.  Honestly I have more than 5 hits this year but I've narrowed this list down to my super favorites.

I thought it was going to be just a test garment, but it turned into my favorite dress of the season.  Small tantrums were thrown when it was found in the laundry basket instead of being ready to wear. It was in the laundry basket cause I wore it two days ago, but never mind that, it made me feel put together and comfortable. The dress is now covered with pills/grease stains and not fit to wear outside of the house. I'll bury it under the cherry tree and give it a 5 seam ripper salute......and make a new one next summer.

Sewing a black jacket was a mind numbing process but that baby is a "mother clucking" wardrobe staple. It goes with 90% of my other makes and feels on trend. Right now I wear it inside my icebox of a house to stay warm and make my toddler wonder if I've got a motorcycle gang ready to enforce nap time. Oh yeah kid, they're out there with nun-chucks.

When the green dress was dirty then this dress was next on the to wear slot. Big flowers on a black background?  Give all such prints to me!! The polyester ITY served me well during the summer, only being too warm to wear on the hottest of days. Other than a little pilling at the waist area, I must rub up against my counter tops a lot, it's good to go next year.

Confession, I love ALL my archers. I could go for a second closet full of Archers. They go great with my faux cowgirl look of skinny jeans and quasi cowboy boots. Some weeks I just wear Archers for a couple days in a row. I am the Archer Queen!  But if I had to pick my favorite, it would my the plaid/ikat one.  Why? Because plaid/ikat is the shit and the handwoven fabric feels like a hug. Mmmm makes me feel happy as soon as I put it on.
Many thanks to Katie for photoshopping me this picture. I laugh every time.

5. Simplicity 2444 Giant Roses Dress
I should really have all my knit Renfrews here but whatever that's boring!  Instead it's the Simplicity 2444 giant roses dress.  This was one of those rare projects that was a joy to sew from start to finish. I can not get over how much I like that big pleated skirt. And the fabric.......the fabric is still my favorite purchase from the summer. Yummy roses I want to eat you like a cake!  Oh good I have some cake that looks like you right here so I just eat that. Nom, nom, nom.
My "watching the toddler" shift is over and it's time to lay in bed playing "Tiny Death Star". Stay well everyone and enjoy the rest of 2013. 


  1. I love seeing your top 5 pics! You've made some many things this year that it's hard to know just what you like to wear every day... but I feel like now I can totally picture your skinny jeans/archer and jersey dress outfits! Also, you've got a really clear colour palette going on in these pics: black with one bright mid-tone colour! And damn, if all looks great!

  2. Ooh looks like some fabulous pieces! Sorry to hear the sickness has hit your house. I'm finally crawling out from under it... Get better fast!

  3. Oh fabulous! I really really must make S2444.... I adore my archer too!

  4. LOL! My hubby is in that same state of denial about being sick--but he opted to take a short nap today, so it must be the plague!! (Why yes my husband *does* waffle between being a mega baby and a "too macho to get sick" tough guy, LOL.) Sorry to hear that Des is still sick though--he oughtta be getting out of the woods any time now!

    All your makes are fabulous, but that green one...RIP beauty. :-( Love the black with the pink roses too--crazy coincidence that you happened to have a matching cake--what are the odds?!

  5. Aww, so sad for your pretty green dress--may it rest in peace and know it was well-loved. And now that I've finally caved and bought the Archer pattern, hopefully some of your fabulousness will rub off on me. Whenever I figure out if I actually have appropriate fabric for it, that is.
    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  6. This year I was a dress wearer during the summer and a separates wearer during the winter. That seems to work for my temperature sensitive self.

  7. Glad you're feeling better Em. Those germs really didn't want to leave my sinuses.

  8. YES! Make the 2444, it is so awesome.

  9. My hubs once told me that if you "think positive" then you won't get sick. Ummmmm yeah. Don't think that actually works. :)

  10. I will send you some Archer mojo Becky. But watch out, the side affects are a closet full of Archers.

  11. While it can't hurt, I'm gonna have to disagree. ;-)

  12. I can see why the green skater dress got worn out! Fab-u-lous! And the big pink rose dress, just gorgeous! And what a clever cake match!

  13. I love your roses dress! And the cake is very pretty too. Maybe I should make a motorbike jacket. Anything to keep my daughter having her day naps will be helpful :)

  14. Thanks Shell. Those might be me two favorite dresses of the year.

  15. Haa haa Kat! Mine is trying to give up the nap and I'm in denial about it. Mom needs a sewing break!

  16. These are all so pretty! You had an awesome year, duder! I especially like the Simplicity 2444 dress-- love it!!!

  17. Thanks dude! I'm surprised at how much I made this year. Don't think that will happen again.

  18. Love your hits - esp. your giant roses dress. Sorry your family has been so sick. What is it with this sinus thing? I finally got over it - after two weeks, three sick days.

  19. Thanks Chuleenan! Ugh, I'm sorry you go the germs too. Those suckers really took awhile to leave.
