

Top 5 Inspirations for 2013

I might not have enough time, money, or energy, but inspiration I've got plenty of. Maybe you can tell my brain to stop keeping me awake at night with various ideas.  Or maybe I should just stop visiting some of my top 5 sources of inspiration.  Yeah right, you'll have to pry my iPad out of my cold dead hands.
  1. Twitter -  This actually means all of talented ladies that I talk to on a regular bias on twitter.  I can't even count the number of sew-a-longs that were spontaneously generated this year.  Half of the time I was just in the background yelling stuff like "I Like Red Garments!"  Someone should really turn around and say, "Shut the F*** Up Donny! You're out of your depth."  Thankfully twitter sewcialists are nice and also seem to enjoy "The Big Lebowski."  Now I would like my undies back.

2. Instagram - I'm married to a semi-Luddite.  If a technology is not related to watching movies/TV then he doesn't see the point to it. I really wanted to be on instagram ages ago, but lacked any sort of device to run the app. Then my lovely sister gifted me an iPad and now I'm on there alllll the time.  I love seeing process shots, people's fabric purchases, finished garment pics.  It's pretty much my twitter feed distilled into pictures and I Love It Like My Own Child.

3. Kollabora - Confession, I'm not the best about regularly checking any sewing websites. But when I do get in the mood to do a little random browsing then Kollabora is where I go first.  Their project search is easy to use and I like the large thumbnails.  Often I just browse over the new projects posted to catch garments from bloggers I might not know about.

4. Pinterest -  I'm not a master pinner or anything, but if I want to see a bunch of RTW inspiration then pinterest is the first place to go.  Motorcycle jacket inspiration? Just do a search.  I also love having a place to store all the random garments that I'd like to knock off.  Instant eye candy when ever I'm at a loss of what to sew next.

5. Independent Pattern Designers - Thank God for independent pattern designers people, without them I would so bored.  I don't think of myself as a pattern snob, but this year the Big 4's new offerings have left me cold. Even my favorite Simplicity Project Runway patterns have been a bust.  On the flip side I have enough unsewn independent patterns to last me well into next year.  Bless you intrepid entrepreneurs for giving me fashionable patterns so I don't have to draft my own.  I'm too lazy to do so anyway.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more about being inspired by indie pattern designers-- they're bankrupting me! It's been so fun chatting with you over Twitter this year!

  2. I want to get on instrgram too - twitter I don't see the point of, but visual twitter, seeing peeps fabric purchases and works in progress, bring it on! Now I just need someone lovely to gift me a new phone or device :) I may just have to check Kollabora out too.

  3. Yay for the indie designers! I still buy big 4 patterns sometimes, but they've gotten so booooooriiiiiiiiiing lately!

  4. Ooh what a great list! I'll have to give Kollabora a look. Sounds like a fun site.

  5. Yup, yup, yup, yup and yup! Oh, indie designers, you are my sirens, making me fling my hard earned cash at you.

  6. If only we were filthy rich and could buy all of those wonderful patterns. I've had a great time talking to you too. I'll be lurking around your blog in 2014. Lurky, lurk, lurk.

  7. Yes, yes! Sewing visuals are the best! Who can we bride to give you a device? Santa? Easter bunny? Steve Jobs Ghost?

  8. I agree Becky. In 2012 there were plenty of Big 4 patterns that excited me. Not so much in 2013.

  9. Yeah, check out Kollarbora and see if you like it. I admit to getting a thrill out of earning "badges" even though they don't mean much.

  10. I know! Those pretty indie patterns and their pretty packaging. You find find yourself saying, "Take my money please!" Then you wonder where your money disappeared to.
    I'm so glad you enjoy my silly pictures. I've enjoyed checking out what you're sewing. Here's to another year of all that fun stuff.
