

Top 5 Reflections of 2103

Confession - I'm not a big reflections person.  I'm more of the "buy more fabric and plan new projects" type of person.  MOAR NEW THINGS!!......Oh excuse me, I've had a lot of Christmas cookies/candy.   However on reflection, I do have some reflections for the year. Here we go.

1. Being more mindful about fabric purchases pays off in the long run.
This year the fabric budget was reduced and I had to cut down on the impulse purchases. Having to think about a purchase for a few days was good for me.  My purchases ended up being fabrics I was really excited to sew up.

2. I can blog regularly....just not 3 times a week, every week.
This year one of my goals was to blog regularly and for once I stuck to it. There were some hits and misses... turns out scheduling my blogging for a month is not for me.  "No one tells me what to do, not even me!"  I did enjoy coming up with the "Secret stash" segment since it allows some vicarious shopping. ;) There's still some more work to do on this front, but I'm pleased with the progress made.

3.  I like sew-a-longs if they are general in nature.
In the past I've had a lot of trouble joining sew-a-longs and never finishing.  It seems like the whole idea of having a project planned for me never works out.  "You're not the boss of me, I'll sew what I want. I'm a renegade!" Ummmm yeah I've got sewing authority issues.  However sew-a-longs like the "Stash Busting Sew-a-long" and "Red October" were super fun.  If you give me just a general guide line then I'll be happy as a clam.

4. Twitter is so much fun and sometimes dangerous.
Soooooo I joined twitter just to get new fabric posting tweets from I'm sure none of you are surprised.  Little did I know that there was a whole community of like minded people out there.  I've had a ball talking to people, being inspired and helping out when I can.  Of course the downside is that you can talk about sewing so much that you never actually sew. ;)  Doesn't matter though, Twitter peeps I love you always.

5. I've still got plenty to learn.
When you've been sewing in a vacuum for most of your life it's hard to gauge how good your skills really are.   Meeting so many people on the web gives me plenty of inspiration, but also made me realize that my skills aren't to the level I might think. It wouldn't be a bad idea to get out of my comfort zone and try learning some new things in the future. Guess I should start reading all those sewing books instead of using them for paper weights.


  1. I agree with most of your reflections. I have also been on a fabric budget and it really changes what you buy, when and why. I am starting to really like the general sewalongs as well since I get to sew on MY time table, not someone else's. And, I never plan out when I blog. I post when I have something to say. Sometimes nothing for a week, sometimes two in a day. I like being my own boss too :-) Tell Froggie to hand you a book.

  2. I think our brain works in a similar way... A specific sew-a-long, no thank you, a general topic, yes please! And fabric, oh fabric... Can you ever have enough? Yes, if all you have is what you really really like! But when you run out of fabric that you really really like, you have to get MOAR!!!!!!

  3. These are lovely reflections. I need to work on blogging more regularly and upping the sewing game. I avoid twitter like the plague - I think it's fun, but my day job prevents me from being really involved. g

  4. Ooh for not being reflective you have some very good reflections! :)

    Secret stash is SO fun and I love that you blogged regularly cause then I got to know you better.
    Your twitter comments have me on the fence now.... I been wondering about joining but do I really NEED another social media???

  5. I found myself nodding in agreement with all of your reflections. Well, except for the part about the fabric budget getting cut--mine has always been so tiny that cutting it would mean no fabric at all! ;-) I too really like the idea of a "general" sew-a-long vs. one that everyone makes the same pattern or whatever, guess I'm another one who has problems with authority. (And now I totally have "breaking the law" by Judas Priest stuck in my head--my brain works in mysterious ways...aaaaand hello U2!) :-D

    Anyway, I've enjoyed reading your blog since I found it, so I'll be looking forward to your makes and comic relief in the new year! :-)

  6. Meeting all these people online certainly has made me feel like my skills were sub-par, while also making me feel like I can sew anything if I make up my mind to do so. It's empowering and humbling, all at once. Thanks for sharing your reflections.

  7. No one tells me what to do - not even me! Thank for putting it into words, I've had this problem a few times in sewing & elsewhere in life! Twitter is something I'm staying away from, or I think my whole life would be taken over by sewing!

  8. I had no idea you just joined Twitter this year! I jumped into that social scene at the end of January and you seemed to have already been there forever! Twitter is definitely the most fun and encouraging part of sewing. =)

    And about #5 - there is ALWAYS more to learn. I learn something new with every job. That's what makes sewing so interesting.

  9. Fabric choice is an issue that I really need to work on in 2014, so please keep up the Secret Stash feature! I'm still such a newbie that unlike most others have posted, I do like the hand holding of a garment specific sewalong. That said, I like the general ones too and have really enjoyed the Sewcialist color themes. Unfortunately work gets in the way of Twitter time, but it's been fun throwing in the rare comment here and there. About #5 - although I definitely agree that you can always learn more I think you have mad sewing skilz and I really appreciate the detailed construction posts you've done this year!

  10. Here's to being our own bosses! *Frog and I raise a cookie to you.* :)

  11. I dread the day that my stash runs out of fabric I really like. It's gonna happen cause solids just don't give you the same zing.

  12. Yeah blogging always needs more work, it's just not as fun as sewing. :)

  13. Well Em, I would really miss twitter if I wasn't on it. However it is a huge time waster. If you feel like your getting plenty of inspiration and having enough conversations with other sewcialists I'd say don't worry about twitter.

  14. We're rebels with out a cause and this coming year without fabric budget. Sob.

  15. Empowering and humbling is the perfect way to describe it Laura. It's a weird combination but some how helpful. :)

  16. LOL! I'm getting so uppity in my semi-middle age. You're right that Twitter can take over your whole life, so it's good to know when to opt out.

  17. I think that I joined in late 2012 but it seemed like I didn't really meet most people until this year. It's hard to remember isn't it? I'm happy that you're still learning new things too Brooke cause you're the most experienced person I know.

  18. You can get better in your fabric choices Shar! Just remember that all of us make a wrong decision some times, so the pressure is off. Now let's both learn some new stuff.
