

Have Stash, Will Bust.

No one was more enthused than me to find out that Emily and Cindy are continuing the Stash Busting Sewalong into 2014. Even after my stash busting efforts of last year the stash remains unruly. Heck I'm only sitting with about 1/3 of it here and seems intent on burying me under it's fabricy goodness.
I need to show it who's boss by stash busting further.  OK then stash, I'm laying down the law...

 In 2014 I promise to make at least 25 stash busting projects. 

"25 projects Heather? Didn't you sew around 40 this year?  That hardly seems like a challenge."  I completely agree with you crazy voice in my head, but in 2014 I'm trying not to punk out on some fitness goals.  Between that and wanting to do more blog content, my sewing time is going to be reduced.  Might as well low ball my original stash pledge to a number that seems achievable. If need be I'll up my pledge as the year goes along.

Now as a new twist to the stash busting sewalong there is a Curating Challenge which includes questions to make us think about our stash. I have done my best to answer them with half truths and crazy talk. As an added bonus you also get some photo outtakes, since a certain little rascal can not resist body surfing stacks of fabric.  

Why do you sew?
I sew because buying fabric is so dang fun and it looks kind of weird if you don't finally sew some. ;)  "I'm buying it for insulation honey. Why are you looking at me like that? The house IS drafty."  *Wraps self in wool*  I also sew to gratify my life long obsession with clothing. Buying RTW is still fun sometimes, but I can't be bratty and yell "I Made This" to everyone in earshot.
What's on your list?
List? I don't hold with bossy pieces of paper telling me what to do. I'm like the wind baby, changeable and full of hot air......mmmm maybe that's not the best analogy. So let's just say I have "all the patterns" from last year and I will buy all the patterns from this year.*  Some of them will get sewn up and some will continue making out in the pattern drawer.  
*Slight exaggeration, slight.
Why are you stash busting?
Mainly to met my number 1 goal of the year of saving up for a shiny new sewing machine. There's also that pesky problem of storage. There's only so many times you can disguise a 18 gallon rough neck container as a new end table. I should probably cut down on the fabric before someone calls that hoarders show. "What doesn't everyone have a path between stacks for fabric? Watch out for the toy frog, he has a nest over there. No you can't go into the fridge, that's where I store all my yarn!" Just wait until the box of PJ eaters rains down on their head. 
Here's to another fun year of stash busting so that your offspring don't send all your unused loveys off to the dump.  THE HORROR!


  1. Now I am hearing Patrick's "She's Like the Wind" song as I read this post and think of you. He probably wrote it about you to be honest. You're a good girl to start stash-busting and good girls get good things, so I'm sure that new sparkly sewing machine will be on its way to you soon. But I'm sad, will we no longer be 5124 twins? (p.s. swooning at these pics of cat boy!) xx

  2. haha. i'm also on a "she's like the wind" thing! love the pic of you and des.

  3. I wish I was as virtuous as you are Heather. I bet you feel good about all that stash busting. Meanwhile I'll be shopping til my arms break. #sorrynotsorry

  4. This is HILARIOUS. (The *wraps self in wool* part had me spit take my coffee...) And I do love to see people with their stashes in a way that tells it like it is!

  5. My name is Andrea and I'm a stash-a-holic. The stash-busting sew along was not enough for me because, well, because I kept buying MORE fabric! I've now officially ran out of storage space. This year I'm not stash busting, instead I'm on a full on diet (both patterns and fabric). It's extreme measures in these parts. Here's to the success of your stashbusting goals and to a new shiny sewing machine before year end. Me, I'm going to turn into a recluse so that I don't succumb to temptation.

    P.S. Your child is adorable.

  6. Oh My Word! It's so glorious I don't know what to say. I should have known better than to give you serious questions to answer...

  7. Wonderful pictures and funny post! Good luck stash-busting, but please don't stop the Secret Stash Series!

  8. Gah! The thought of my ungrateful non-existent children estate sale-ing my sweet, sweet fabric has me covered in goosebumps and filled with a murderous rage! No, evil mini Gingers, stop that! Must use it all before brats get to it!

    I'm excited to see the fruits of your stashbusting! :D I'm going to be very serious about stashbusting this year as I'm a week and a half away from the rare but dreaded Double Unemployment in our family (hubs and I are both freelance, so I'm sure one of us will get a job soon, but just in case... no mas fabric!).

  9. After last year's lack of fabric and pattern buying, I'm all over spending ALL the money on these this year!!! So feel free to live vicariously through my purchases as I did through yours last year. ;)
    You have a fabulous stash.

  10. Ah, you're both so damn cute! And that song is a favourite. Good things as Clare said... And an avalanche of monsters sounds fun!

  11. This was such a fun post! I love the evil glint in your eyes and your son's adorable smile! Best of luck with your goal!

  12. Whenever someone makes a (snide) comment about my stash I tell them that if there is another Depression, me and my girls will be very well dressed!! ... I started working out too (ick) and find I am having a hard time sewing. I have to get up at O Dark 30 to get a workout in, then work all day, and at night I just want to sit around and watch Haven or The Green Arrow or one of the other myriad shows on Netflix... But I would love to make 25 outfits this year. I'd love to use some of my stash... the rest I am gonna save for the next Depression! ;)

  13. hahaha! love this. "buying it for insulation" totally got me, as my sewing room is exceptionally cold! without my space heater turned on it doubles as a freezer in the winter. not kidding at all. happy stash busting!

  14. Just start training Des now that the stash is sacred and should never be dumped, and you'll be fine. And you can send me some wool for insulation if you like; it's a bit chilly here.

  15. I had that song in my head when I was writing this and it was your fault. ;) So far the thought of a new sewing machine has kept me from buying a few things. I just might make that goal! Cat Boy says, "Meow."

  16. You can't contain us girls, we do what we want!

  17. Do shop with my blessings. I will live vicariously through other people's new lovelies.

  18. LOL Thanks. I really should have wrapped myself with wool the night I was writing this. It was about 5 degrees in PA.

  19. In truth Andrea, I did the same thing last year. Extreme measures might be needed but I'm gonna take the semi-easy way out for now. ;)

  20. But giving me questions means more silly answers. A win for everyone! :)

  21. Thanks Wendy. Don't worry, I can never stop surfing the web for fabric so the secret stash series will continue.

  22. Yes! Thinking of Des throwing all my stuff away makes me feel all horrible. Maybe I should think of that when I'm afraid to use fabric.

    I hope you and Man friend get yourselves some new freelance jobs quickly. I'll cross my fingers for you.

  23. YEAAAAH, go nuts Laura. I will get a high off your fabric purchasing fumes.

  24. Awww thanks Vickikate. We need a ball pit full of monsters. So fluffy!

  25. Evil glint? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about Shar. ;) Except that I do. Muhaaaaaa /\

  26. Ugh getting up at O Dark 30 to workout is a bummer. Had to do it back in my working days so I can sympathize. So can I come over and pet your stash? I "promise" not to steal anything.

  27. Haa haaa! I get it Lisa cause I got 4 huge drafty windows in my sewing area. You're room sounds cooler though. Better wrap yourself in some wool and quick!

  28. How wise you are Andrea. The stash should only be second in sacredness to frog in my boy's brain. Must start brainwashing now!

  29. True, true. They were amazing answers!

  30. Oh Heather, you inspire me! I am way to timid to set a stash-busting goal, but I DO intend to make more from what I already own. An NO, for God's sake, I WON'T post a picture of how much!

  31. Hilarious! Stash busting frees me of guilt...I probably need to do this again but not until after my trip across Canada...there may be fabric stores I haven't met yet.

  32. Now you have me wondering how much stash is in your stash. Can I come over and paw through it, ;) Any stash busting is good, I will cheer on your attempts.

  33. I give you permission to buy as much on your trip. Maybe buy a little extra for me should you find any bold prints. Hee hee!
