

MMM-15 Week Two Round Up

Here in Pa we started out the week with mid summer temps of high 80's and then went back to more seasonal temps of mid 70's. Oh mother nature, you so crazy.  On the plus side that meant plenty of brightly colored clothing to choose from.
Day 11
Dress - Pattern mash-up, Anna from By Hand London/Skirt Emery from Christine Hayes
Shoes - Rockefeller from Miss L Fire
Brooch - Vintage costume jewelry bee.

Day 12
Top - Comino Cap from Kitschy Coo
Skirt - Betsy from Bluegingerdoll
Shoes - Blue Birds from Miss L Fire
Brooch -  Erstwilder bird

Day 13
Top - RTW sweater from Tatyana
Skirt - Betsy from Bluegingerdoll
Shoes - Harlow from Miss L Fire
Brooch - Luxulite

Day 14
Top - Edith from Maria Denmark
Skirt - New Look 6056 -  Pattern is OOP but is only a simple circle skirt with a side zipper.
Necklace- Luxulite


  1. Great colourful outfits! Also love your hairstyle longer like this. It really suits you.

  2. As always, love day 11! I really like day 13 too and you can't get me anywhere near yellow usually. You're awesome looking all around!

  3. I love your outfits as always, and I am still drooling over your yellow polka dot skirt!

  4. Thank you Helene. I'm enjoying having it a little longer now too even though I thought it would be a pain. :)

  5. I felt that way about yellow too a long time. It's so weird that it's grown on me now. :)

  6. Aww thanks Heather. That skirt can't help but brig ten up your day.

  7. Your lovely dresses have reminded me why I need to get cracking on making my own. Thank you!

  8. You always look so great Heather!!!

  9. What does it say about me that I read "Babe alert" and immediately thought of the red alert sound on the Enterprise. LOL :)

  10. Aww thanks. :) I'm sure you have some great dresses in the mental sewing queue just waiting to be sewn up.

  11. Thank you Margo. That's a high complement coming from you.
