

It's Baaaack - Sundress Sew-a-long

Hello all you fabric mavens out there.  We had such a good time sewing sundresses together last year that it seemed a shame if we didn't do it again. So I had my trusty sewing room helper Froggie put on his administrative hat and hash out all the details.  We are happy to announce that Sundress Sew-a-long 2015 is a go!
To keep things simple, the sew-a-long will be pretty much the same as last year. The only real change is the time frame.  "Someone" might have misremembered when we rolled out the sewing machines and frozen drinks last year. Alcohol is not responsible for that though.  The problem is that I don't read my secretary's memos....because she doesn't exist. Annnnyway, here's the skinny for this years sundress sewing palooza.

The Details
1. Sew-a-long runs from July 1st to August 31st. Feel free to start hatching plans before then.

2. Pick any pattern you want to sew. While the true definition of a sundress is a "sleeveless dress", I'm not a stickler about it. If you prefer a to wear dresses with sleeves, then choose a pattern that says "Sundress" to you.  Modern, vintage, self drafted patterns are all welcome. 

3. Join the flickr group. Post your finished garments so that we all can admire and be inspired. (The flickr group is by invite to keep the flickr creepers out. Everyone looking to actually sew something is more than welcome.)

4. Get social. For those of you hip to hash tagging you can use the tag #sundresssew15 to share your plans or progress. 

5. Wear that Badge with pride.  Grab the code below for this years sew-a-long badge. 
grab button for Handmade By Heather B
<div class="handmade-by-heather-b-button" style="width: 200px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow"> <img src="" alt="Handmade By Heather B" width="200" height="175" /> </a> </div>

Now that the sew-a-long has been announced I'd better get Froggie on frozen drink duty. I know all that sewing works up a thirst. Chop, chop, margaritas for everyone. Here's to pretty dresses and summer time fun. Cheers!


  1. I'm in! Yay for summer dresses and cold drinks :)

  2. I dare? I do have a sleeveless dress pattern I'd like to try before the end of the summer, if possible. But I'm still stuck waiting to see what my post-pregnancy measurements will be, and if this kid will sleep or not. (Or actually show up, for that matter...)

  3. Cool! I'm in! I've got a number of patterns lined up that I'd like to get sewn up this summer, this is the perfect motivation to get started!

  4. I'm in like Flynn. But the Flickr link says "Not Found"?

  5. Yay!! I was wondering if you would do this again this year! I had a blast sewing sundresses all summer last year!

  6. That's weird since the link is working for me. Do you see the group if you search for Sundress Sew-a-long 2015?

  7. Got a little side tracked with my stash busting contest. Luckily Froggie reminded me. :)

  8. Hooray! We will get out the fancy ice cube trays.

  9. Hugs. Waiting for those stinkers to show up is hard. From my experience you'll have to use your free time sleeping instead of sewing. But maybe you'll get one that sleeps more than 2-3 hours at a stretch.

  10. Excellent! Can't wait to see what you sew up.

  11. Ooooh... I have some pretty fabric destined for a sundress! Will definitely join up. :)

  12. Huh, the link is working for me now. Wasn't a few hours ago.

  13. Hooray! It's great when sewing plans and sew-a-long coincide.

  14. Sundresses and margaritas!? Count me in! (Maybe it'll be the kick I need to finally make the 4th of July dress I planned, oh, about 3 years ago :P)

  15. Maybe this will give me the kick in the doopah I need to cut out my planned dress!

  16. www.tresbienensemble.comJune 19, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    I can piggyback this onto an upcoming pattern I've got on the agenda! I love summer dresses!

  17. I'm in! I've been meaning to make a second Sewaholic Saltspring and I even have the fabric in my stash.

  18. Yeeesss! Clear out those old sewing plans. It will feel great.

  19. Soft deadlines seem to work for me. I hope it works for you too.

  20. Excellent! Love it when a plan comes together. ;)

  21. Awesome. You'll get a little stash busting done at the same time.

  22. Yes, I say yes to this!

  23. I have entirely too much fabric unspoken for, I won't even double dip the OAL.

  24. I say let the cats pick some fabrics for you.

  25. More plans are good for that fabric......says the person who's stash is almost all unplanned purchases.

  26. Hi Heather, leaving you a note because I'm totally in ... up for sewing summer frocks now that I'm in the Northern Hemisphere! xoxo

  27. Samantha SchofieldJune 29, 2015 at 5:16 PM

    I follow you on Instagram and saw this fab challenge so yes will be sewing a sundress!

  28. Woo Woo! I won't promise not to steal it after you post a picture. :)

  29. Hooray! I'm excited to see what you'll make.

  30. Woohoo! I'm always looking for an excuse to sew a sundress! Let's do this!

  31. So excited to have found this! I've got loads of plans for dresses this summer and this will be great motivation to get them done! :)

  32. I know just what I'd like to make (generally); ha ha ha. I would love to join.



    P.S. Thanks Chuleenan for providing the link.

  33. It sounds so fun! I have so many sundresses planned anyway

  34. Awesome! Glad you found your way here. :)

  35. Excellent! Sounds like you'd be sewing along anyway. :)

  36. I'm in! Fabric is ready, now I need to decide which pattern to use.

  37. Hooray! Hope you find a pattern to your liking.
