

Stashbusting Power Boost

It's been a little quiet on the blog this month because I've been cranking the sweatshop into high gear. Frog and I have been pumping out garments for the PR Fabric Stash contest. Since this contest is won based on yardage sewn, it seemed like we might have a shot at one of those sweet Mood gift certificates.
Fabric Stash Contest 2015
Froggie and I played the Rocky 4 soundtrack over and over again, and got our "Eye of the Tiger" on. However real life conspired against us and cut our sewing time in half.  Then I decided to sew a dress that needed plaid matching and bound buttonholes.  Oh yes Heather, planning a giant time suck project is greaaat strategy for this contest......not.  Froggie also might have binged on birthday cake and not held up his end of the hemming bargain.  Long story short, Team knitnbee is way behind in the numbers and won't be taking any prizes home

On the good side, the contest has been a great motivator to use up some of that dreaded orange stash layer. All those rementants and tricky fabrics that have been lurking in my stash for years. When the shiny new fabric is off limits, amazingly I come up with pattern ideas for the old stuff.  Or at least recycle patterns that seem to fit with the yardage available.

Most of the garments team knitnbee has made are ones you've already seen on the blog.  Instead of doing my normal review format, I thought a quick overview would make more sense. The pictures aren't going to be quite as good either. It's basically just me lurking on the sidewalk in front of my house, trying not to squint into the camera. So let me show you what I've been up to.
Outfit #1 - Maria Denmark Day to Night Drape Top and Colette Mabel
A couple of one yard knit remnants have been the bane of my stash for some time.  Too much to throw away, not enough for most pattern ideas....unless it's these two patterns. Score! The Day to Night Drape Top is new to me, but I'd seen numerous versions on other sewing blogs.  Figured it wouldn't be too hard to fit and whipped out a size medium with no changes.  On the whole I'm pleased with it other than the armhole depth. It's a little too close to flashing my bra band for comfort. I'd raise the armholes about a half inch for any future versions.
One sewing note - Instead of using either of the suggested bindings, I went a different route. The neckline was bound with self fabric the same say you'd use fold over elastic.  The armholes were finished with self strips of fabric and then coverstitch in the manner shown here.  Both of these methods worked out to my liking and I'd use them again. The Day to Night Drape top is a great way to use up rayon jersey scraps and it also got the husband seal of approval.  Not sure why I waited so long to make one.

Some of you may remember that I was less than enthused with the ponte Mabel made last summer. Surprisingly I actually found myself wearing that skirt around the house on a regular basis.  It's great for "fat" days and crawling around on the floor cutting fabric. When the deep stash yielded a yard of black rayon ponte it seemed like a good idea to modify the pattern and give it another try.
The pattern was lengthened 5" to make it a length similar to my woven pencil skirts.  I also put 1 1/4" elastic into the waistband to get rid of the feeling that the skirt was going to fall off. Both of these changes did improve the pattern for me, but I'm still not 100% comfortable with knit pencil skirts.  Stretch wovens just give you more lumps and bumps coverage.

Outfit #2 - Kitschy Coo Comino Cap/Lady Skater mash-up
Past Heather might have gone on a mesh buying kick two years ago under the assumption she was going to sew a bunch of underwear.  Guess what she never did....yep, sew underwear.  That's OK because present Heather needed some contrast fabric to squeeze out a dress in this swanky black jersey.  The swanky black jersey fiber content has been pushed out of my brain, but I did remember two things.  The fiber blend had milk fibers in it and the price per yard was on the high side.  That's why I hoared this fabric for years instead of sewing it right up.
Pattern details - The two Kitschy Coo patterns are drafted from the same block so you can sub in the lady skater skirt with no changes.  I did add 3" of additional length since I'm an old lady that like her knees covered.  The Comino Cap bodice is sewn as instructed other than reversing the direction all the seam allowances were stitched down. It seems smarter not to have the SA's peeking through the see through mesh.  I LOVE this dress and am happy to have put the swanky black jersey and feather mesh to good use.

That's all the sewing accomplished and photographed for now. I'll be back later in the month with another quicky post of TNT's. :)


  1. Great looking garments and nice use of stash

  2. That black frock is fantastic, love the way you've styled it. Right up my street!

  3. I love all of these!! And the hat - so glamorous and summery!

  4. I love your stash busting outfits. But most of all I love that the comino cap is interchangeable with the lady skater! It is such a high end looking dress. Black and feminine mesh. It's fantastic. And I never knew that. I should have worked it out but thank you !!

  5. Oooo! So much prettiness in one post! I'm in love with the red drape top! I think all of the pieces were lovely uses of your carefully hoarded stash!

  6. So pretty! I especially love the black comino dress! Keep it up, you can win this contest!

  7. Thanks Lori. It's nice to find a use for some of those remnants.

  8. It's all that I could have hoped for!

  9. Thanks Man! The ladies in the lead are almost up to 50 yards sewn so I'm just trying to get in the top 5 now. :)

  10. Thanks so much. It's nice to put some of those hoarded pieces to good use.

  11. Thank you. It was just a whim to put out the hat, but I'll have to wear it out more often.

  12. Thanks Scruffy! So far I've mixed and matched all the Kitschy Coo dresses. It's great that you can do that and get extra mileage out of the patterns.

  13. Thanks Heather. I had Froggie put the "glamour" filter on. :)

  14. Thanks Gillian. You should add a comino cap/lady skater dress to your sewing list. Froggie says so too.

  15. Great stash busting there lady! I adore your black dress with the feather mesh!! Fav!!

  16. Well, these are sassy outfits! Well done! Must be nice to get these fabrics out of the stash and onto your bod!

  17. Thanks Margo. I'm so happy that dress came out so pretty.

  18. Yeah man! Using fabric I already have for a change.
