Socks, socks, socks is what I want to be knitting but my neck/rotator cuff have other plans. They told me in no uncertain terms that I'm only allowed to do a bit of knitting in DK weight and then go read a book. I tried sneaking in stitches on the twinkle berry sock, but I was caught red handed and punished with another week of nagging muscle pain. The three of us seem to come to a bit of an agreement today and I might be allowed to do some sock knitting by the end of the month. I have these too lovelies waiting for me when it's time. A little Wollmeise came home with me before the feeding frenzy tipped the poor loopyewe site right over. And on the left is my Sundara yarn club shipment for the month. A pretty pretty red called burnt cranberry.
Knit a mile challenge? Sure it will be fun, FUN, so much fun your neck will beg for mercy. Actually is has been fun, even though my neck is a little angry with me for completing a sock in a weekend. Or it could be those little funky knots I’m knitting into my second Irish dreams sock. The ones that make me utter insults about the yarn's mother every fourth round. Right now that sock and I are going to battle it out until a needle or my neck snaps. I might be able to coax it into more docile behavior by letting it snuggle with its completed partner. Hopefully this won’t backfire and result in two unruly socks that steal my credit cards and buy acrylic yarn.
Anyway back to where we started, with the Knit a mile challenge. I might have been a bit crazy when I signed up. Or maybe it was guilt that all the sock yarn can’t be shoved in one drawer under the bed anymore. (This guilt isn’t going to stop me from fighting for some German yarn next week) But anyway I signed up and knit like a college design student before final crit week. This must have triggered some old memories because I woke up on Monday convinced that two papers and a collection of three garments were due in two weeks. Never been more relieved in my life to realize I just had to go to work. Here’s my pretties, Twinkleberry sock in Hazel Knits Terrywinkle. Say that five times fast. Heee hee hee Oh and I'm trying to become a Hazel Knits pusher if you couldn't tell.
My Freya socks in Hazel knits Chocolatier were finished up during a post holiday visit to my sister's house. I put them on, went out to a lighted area and danced around. My brother in law was the only one paying any attention to me and was a bit freaked out. Haa haa!
These socks will hold a special place in my heart. The sock yarn was a joy to knit with and dryer Wendee has wonderful customer service. She also emailed me to say that she was inspired to make her own Freya by my pics of the first completed sock. Awww shucks. Then the pattern designer, Momma Monkey, requested one of those pics for the pattern page on Ravelry. Awesome! So now I put them on and think happy thoughts. They'll always be my dancing socks.
Hope everyone had a happy and relaxing Christmas! Mine was really nice and I ate copious amounts of holiday baking. My DH and I were from home for most of the holidays due to some demolition going on in bathroom. The repair work is not done and probably won’t be for the rest of the month, which makes for some storage problems. I’ve decided I have too many bathroom towels during this experience and I’m not even sure how I got some many. Maybe they multiply in a darkened closet the way sock yarn does. (Yes that must be the reason I have so much sock yarn)
Santa also brought me a good chunk of new yarn and knitting books, so the stash is starting to take over my side of the bedroom. Soon yarn will be jumping into bed to snuggle/suffocate me. Please let it be the friendly yarn that decides to snuggle instead of yarn with evil intents. If you kill me no on will knit you! Silliness aside, thank you to my lovely family that embraced my new hobby with gusto. I have many goodies to share.
From my in-laws “Knitting Vintage Style” and a gift certificate to woolgirl. Now I can buy a few skeins of sock yarn and blink innocently at my husband with they arrive.
From my mom “Sensual Knits” and “New pathways for sock knitters”. I stopped opening presents and started reading New pathways and had to be prodded to continue unwrapping.
From my grandma – Dream in Color Smooshy in Gothic Rose. I started making everyone squish the yarn saying isn’t it smooshy? Huh Huh?
And from my sister who spoils me: Yarn and pattern for Simple knitted bodice
Yarn for Sahara
Cashsoft DK book of baby patterns and yarn to make two of the patterns in here. And a lovely basket to hold it all I am not worthy!!!! :)