I'm getting around the web


Just a quickie post today to say that crazy old me is being featured over on Seamstress Erin's blog. I was flattered to participate in her "Sewing and Style" series. So if you like to reading my odd answers to questions then click on over.

In other news I have two PJ eater's fighting for supremacy in my sewing area. Do you think they can call a truce for Valentine's Day? Maybe I should just throw two bags of candy in a corner and let them have at it.
You need a little extra something. #pjeaterreturns


  1. Yay! for you! I'm heading over to check it out.

  2. Ooh, can't wait to read your interview!!!

  3. Hooray, hope you liked it.

  4. I tried to be slightly less crazy then what I would put on my blog but still retain the silly. ;)

  5. Yeah! Loved reading the interview. And yes I will testify to your difficult shopping patterns as a teen. "Ug, will Heather just pick something already..." ;)

  6. Great interview Heather. Yay to being the best dressed mum in the supermarket, and why not I say!

  7. Thank you Sandra, we will wow all the other people in the produce aisle.


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