MMM-15 Week One Round Up


It's time for my first Me-Made-May round up for this year.  For everyone's ease I've linked all patterns to where they can be purchased  I've also linked any RTW stuff that might still be in stock. Cause maybe you need some cherry pop shoes and fruit brooches too.

Day 1
Top - Nettie Bodysuit from Closet Case Files
RTW skirt - 1940's skirt from Trashy Diva
Shoes - Cherry pop from Miss L Fire
Brooch - Luxulite

Day 4
Dress - Anna from By Hand London
Shoes - Love Birds from Miss L Fire
Hair flower - Double Hibiscus from Sophisticated Lady Hair Flowers

Day 5
Dress -  Modified Hawthorn from Colette (Unblogged but will be soon)
Brooch - Luxulite

Day 6
RTW Top - Slash Neck top from Vivian of Holloway
Skirt - Beignet from Colette

Day 7
Top - Comino Cap from Kitschy Coo
Skirt - Modified Odette from Bluegingerdoll
Brooch - Luxulite
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