My husband pointed out that today is Festivus, so I had to quote from that particular Seinfeld. I could say that we've had a bit of Festivus miracle because look how much I've gotten done.
1. All my Christmas knitting is done with two days to spare.
2. Rolls and two pies have finished baking right now. Cookies have decoratively packaged.
3. Only one more load of laundry to do which is non essential.
4. Bags are half packed and I still have a couple more hours to finish that.
5. All Christmas presents are purchased and I only have to wrap one more.
That brings us to "That little scarf" from Anne Hanson. I knit one out of alpaca silk (Color 114 which is an icy light purple) for my grandmother and I liked it so much it hasn't been wrapped yet. Hold onto your hats for the photo montage.