OK dish, how many patterns do you have in your stash that you've never sewn up? 10's, 20's, enough that you're getting a bit shifty eyed right now? What you want me to answer my own question? Well I'm gonna have to plead the fifth on that and ask that you direct any further questions to my lawyer Esquire Froggie. Meanwhile I'll be throwing patterns in the air and cackling. Mine all Mine!!!
I was "making it rain" with patterns the other week when the Beignet pattern landed on my head and I though, "Skirt pattern gooood, must sew." Now this baby has been in the stash for at least 2 years, maybe more. I probably bought it because some other blogger made up a cute version....as you do. Then realized I'd never tuck my shirt in to wear it and threw it in the back of the pile. But segue way to 2014 Heather who is all about Nettie bodysuits and tucking things in willy nilly. Short-waistness be damned, I'm making a Beignet skirt.
Recently there was a twitter conversation about buying fabric with plans and how those plans get changed. Now I'm not a planner. My buying technique is "OMG I must have this to hoard and occasionally pet. It can not belong to someone else!" This works great with fun prints, but when it comes down to buying basics I "usually" have a plan. (Have been known to go bat shit crazy over wool.)
The plan for this stretch cotton was a Springy pair of Thurlow trousers. Mmm yeah, I can still picture it in my brain and it looks good. If only pants fitting is wasn't still my Achilles heel. I spent a solid month trying to get Thurlows to fit and ended up with nothing but 5 muslins too tight in the backside. Curse you ginormous butt!!! Two Spring seasons later this fabric was still in the stash and I had to sit down and seriously reconsider my plans. Did I want to go through the cycle of pants fitting hate right now? No. How much wear would a pair of spring pants get anyway? Maybe 2-3 weeks max? Now a skirt, that could get a whole lot of wear during hot weather. I waffled a bit until Froggie pulled out the pair of matching wedges and whispered, "Dooo Itttt." One must always follow the advice of their spirit animal/sewing helper.
Wow, can I say this pattern is time consuming? Totally worth it, but for some reason I had the thought that this was going to be a "quick skirt project" in my head. Days later I was bemusedly wondering why this sucker wasn't done yet. Crap, I need a lining....sew, sew, sew. Belt carriers...where's the stupid quick turn? Wait I have to sew 12 buttonholes? Burn a sacrifice to the sewing goddess!!
The sewing goddess must have been pleased because only 2 buttonholes had to be ripped out and resewn. Then she reminded me that there were two packs of self covered buttons in the stash. Sweet! Froggie approves the self covered button. One more pack of buttons had to be purchased to complete the skirt. Other than that all the materials were in the stash, including thread/interfacing/needles and such. I like to think of this as a 4 dollar skirt and giggle like I'm clever.
Colette Beignet
Fabrics used
Light weight stretch cotton sateen for shell - purchased from Emmaonesock last year.
Polyester silk like blouse weight for lining - inherited from my grandmother's stash.
Pattern changes/alterations
I sewed a straight size 10 straight out of the envelope. No Fitting Changes at all. I have never typed that sentence and fully expect a catastrophic event to occur. Watch out for raining frogs unless they look slightly furry and prepared to hem clothing.
- I did move the buttons away from CF about 1/2" more than the suggested placement.
- Was going to skip the lining but decided with all the facings it was a better idea to have one to keep everything in place.
Husband Comment
"I like it. It's the color of the Florida Marlins uniforms.....well until they changed them."
My Final Thoughts
Confession - Wasn't sure that I'd like this pattern on me until it was completely done. When I put it on the first thought that popped into my head was that I needed to make another. The second thought was, "Sure thing, but not back to back. Go sew a quick project first." Ahhh good advice. I'm still 100% sure there's a denim version in my future. Won't that look cute with fall tights and boots? In the meantime I'm going to wear the crap of out this one with my Nettie bodysuits. Just give me a hand when I fall over next to you in these wedges. Maybe I should invest in a pimp cane.